Create a table (no table = no credit) using Word or PowerPoint to  outline/describe the major organic and inorganic molecules required for  life. Make sure to include Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic  Acids, Water, Electrolytes, Acids, and Bases. The table is mostly up to  you on what to include. However, for each I suggest you at least  include:

1) the micromolecules (when applicable)

2) the macromolecules (when applicable)

3) examples

4) where you would find them

5) basic characteristics

6) basic functions and/or importance

Upload the DOC, DOCX, PPT, or PPTX here. Only these file  types will be accepted. NO PICTURES! A picture in Word or PowerPoint is  still a picture, and will not be accepted. Your submission will be checked for plagiarism, so while collaboration can happen, make sure to submit your own work.

Do not use the  online version of Word/PowerPoint or Google Docs/Slides to write this  and then submit because it may not submit correctly and may not open.

Make sure you do  not have information that goes beyond the margins of the document…. it  will not show up when submitted, when printed, or when presented.