1. What elements should a director consider when choosing a text to interpret?
  2. How much credit does a director deserve for a particular production?  Why do you think some groups resist the notion of the director?
  3. Should a director be able to interpret a text in any way s/he wants to? What issues may arise giving directors free rein over a text?  What is the danger of limiting what a director can do?  Should the playwright have the ultimate say as to how his/her text gets interpreted?
  4. What are some of the similarities and differences between a film and theatre director?

  1. Who should drive the collaboration—the set, lighting, or costume designer?  Should all the contributions be weighed equally?
  2. Should theatre try to use technology to compete with film? Is something lost when theatre tries to become more like film or television?
  3. Do technological tools inhibit or enhance a designer’s creativity?