I need help with writing a proposal for a new exhibit at the Frost Museum of Science in downtown Miami.  The exhibit should get people of all ages excited about Florida archaeology. Using what you know from assigned reading, films, and videos, pick a couple of moments in Florida prehistory that you think would make an exciting story for Science Museum visitors and explain why these stories are the ones you think visitors will connect with.  Explain how you would tell the stories—what artifacts you would use, what other media and ways to convey information would you select to make a 21st century exhibit about Florida archaeology.  Assume you have a very large budget and plenty of space in the museum. Be specific about the process—who would you consult, at what level would you aim the exhibit text, how would you make the exhibit accessible to all visitors?   Finally, a few ideas about how you would market this new exhibit would strengthen your proposal. Please cite sources if you take an idea from a published article or book, and the proposal should be between 1000-1200 words.  References are not included in the word count.