The Briefing Note allows students to bring awareness to underserved specialties/niche areas within the profession, gathering research on evidence including all viewpoints and positions, and lastly the student’s conclusion/recommendations.

Instructions: Students will work in groups to write a Briefing Note discussing underserved specialties/niche areas in the field of occupational therapy. 

Occupational Therapy Assistant Program

OTAP2110 Fieldwork Seminar

Briefing Note Assignment

Objectives: A Briefing Note allows students to bring awareness to underserved specialties/ niche areas within the profession, gathering research on evidence including all viewpoints and positions, and lastly the student’s conclusion/recommendations.

Instructions: Students will work in groups to write a Briefing Note discussing underserved specialties/ niche areas in the field of Occupational Therapy. The Briefing Note will aide with the Capstone Assignment and Presentation during Term 6.

The following should be included in the paper:

· (1) Purpose – This should be stated concisely. This is usually the topic or issue that needs to be resolved

· (2) Summary of Facts – Complete research and locate articles that provide information to understand the topic including brief background or history; status; important facts, considerations, or developments. Be sure to have evidence for all facts and/or points of consideration. This should be as unbiased as possible.

· (3) Conclusions or Recommendations –Provide a summary of what the reader needs to know or actions that might be taken. Any recommendations or advice should be clear, direct, and backed up with evidence/facts.

· The paper should be 2-3 pages in length not including title and reference page

· A list of references should be included. Minimum of 4 references.

· All references should be listed in the reference page and correctly documented.

OTAP 2110 Fieldwork Seminar

Briefing Note Rubric

Name: ________________________________________________________________

Title: __________________________________________________________________


Possible Points


Paper Length

5 = 2-3 pages in length

1 = < 2 or >3 pages in length


5 = Clearly states the topic of the paper,

3 = Somewhat states the topic of the paper

1 = Vaguely states the topic or topic is unclear

Summary of Facts

5= All 4 references used and each one clearly describes information for the topic

3= <3 references used and/or some not clearly appropriate for information on the topic

0 = No references used



5 = Gives thorough and adequate concluding paragraph that summarizes all articles and the evidence behind the topic. Recommendations or advice is clear, direct, and supported with research

3 = Gives brief concluding paragraph with some recommendations

1 = Gives a vague concluding statement at the end of paper with no recommendation or advice.

0 = Just ended the paper without a concluding paragraph or statement


5 = Adhered to most grammatical rules (90 – 100%)

3 = Moderately followed grammatical rules (80 – 90%)

1 = Minimally followed grammatical rules (<80%)


5 = fewer than 2 spelling errors

3 = 2-5 spelling errors

1 = more than 6 spelling errors

APA standards

5 = 2 or less errors regarding APA requirements

3 = 3-5 errors regarding APA requirements

1 = 6+ errors regarding APA requirements

Total Points


B.6.1 Locate and demonstrate understanding of professional literature, including the quality of the source of information, to make evidence-based practice decisions in collaboration with the occupational therapist. Explain how scholarly activities and literature contribute to the development of the profession.
