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One of the primary purposes of this course is to allow students who are about to complete their programs of study at the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business to demonstrate their familiarity with the Baldrige Core Values. For this assignment, you will write a reflective paper summarizing your experience and discussing how these core values were exhibited in your work, both in this course and throughout your program of study.

Refer to the attached documents for assignment details and grading rubric, and the Baldridge Core Values presentation.

Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Wednesday of Unit 8

Points: 100

Overview: One of the primary purposes of this course is to allow students who are about to

complete their programs of study at the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business to

demonstrate their familiarity with the Baldrige Core Values.

Instructions: Write a reflective paper summarizing your experience of the BUS411 course. Refer to

the Baldrige Core Values in this reflective exercise and discuss how these Core Values

were exhibited in your work in this course and throughout your program of studies in the

Malcolm Baldrige School of Business.

• Refer back to the Baldrige Core Values PowerPoint.

• Discuss how these Core Values were exhibited in your work throughout this

course and your program of study in the Malcolm Baldrige School of Business.

• What are your key takeaways from your study of the Baldrige Core Values?

• What will you utilize in your career that you have learned through these Core



• Submit a four page, minimum, Word document covering the elements of the


• Develop a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use paragraph format and


• Focus on the quality of writing and content.

• Use elements of APA formatting (title, references, and in-text citations). Abstract

is not required. The title page, reference page, and appendices are excluded in

page length requirement.

• Two or more academic references are present and formatted properly.

Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

BUS411 – Business Policy Seminar

Baldridge Reflective Paper

Evaluation Rubric for Baldridge Reflective Paper Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient Needs Improvement

Proficient Exemplary

0-11 points 12-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points

Introduction Unclear or incomplete.

Introduction with a partially developed thesis.

Introduction with a mostly developed thesis.

Clear, well- developed, introduction and thesis.

0-17 points 18-23 points 24-26 points 27-30 points

Reflection Lacks specific, credible, and relevant reflection. Discussion of Baldridge Core Values is inadequate or missing.

Not adequately supported with a limited spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant reflection. Discussion of Baldridge Core Values is somewhat thoughtful and persuasive but lacks detail.

Adequately supported with a limited spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant reflection. Discussion of Baldridge Core Values is thoughtful and persuasive but lacks some detail.

Well-supported with a broad spectrum of specific, credible, and relevant reflection. Discussion of Baldridge Core Values is well- developed, very thoughtful, and persuasive.

0-11 points 12-15 points 16-17 points 18-20 points

Conclusion Conclusion not included.

Some attempt at a conclusion, but it is not well written.

Good attempt at a conclusion, but more development needed.

Well written and fully developed conclusion.

0-8 points 9-11 points 12-13 points 14-15 points

Clear and Professional Writing

Writing is frequently difficult to understand because of several errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Word choice is sometimes

Writing is somewhat difficult to understand with errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Appropriate word choice is somewhat

Writing is easy to understand despite minor errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Appropriate word choice is used for an academic

Writing is free of almost all punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors. Appropriate word choice is used for an academic setting.

inappropriate for an academic setting. Sentence structure is unclear.

used for an academic setting. Sentence structure is somewhat clear.

setting. Sentence structure is mostly clear.

Sentence structure is clear.

0-8 points 9-11 points 12-13 points 14-15 points

APA Formatting and References

Paper has no APA formatting, or paper has an APA title, but no references or in-text citations. No academic references present or reference formatting has significant errors.

Paper lacks multiple elements of APA (title, references, or in-text citations). One academic reference present but errors in formatting.

Paper lacks one element of APA (title, references, or in-text citations). Two academic references present but may have a few errors in formatting.

Paper has all elements of APA formatting (title, references, and in-text citations). Two or more academic references are present and formatted properly.


The Baldrige Core Values

BUS 411 Business Policy Seminar

What are the Core Values?

The Baldrige Core Values are a set of attributes that can define quality. Quality in this sense is not just seen as the physical quality of a product or the output of a process. Quality is the mindset and attitude of the organization and business that wants to consider itself a “quality operation” ought to exhibit these characteristics.

@Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

The Baldrige Core Values

Visionary leadership

Customer-centered excellence

Organizational and personal learning

Valuing workforce members and partners


Focus on the future

Managing for innovation

Management by fact

Societal responsibility

Focus on results and creating value

Systems perspective

@Post University, Waterbury, CT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


