Ethical drivers, as noted in Johnson, C. E. (2019), chapter 9, are factors that play a particularly significant role in promoting or driving systematic ethical change. Without them, any change effort is likely to fail. These drivers include:  Ethical diagnosis  Engaged leadership  Targeted socialization processes  Ethics training  Continuous ethical improvement. This assignment asks you to review and synthesize components of ethical culture and cultural change efforts, as noted in Johnson (2019) chapter 9, needed to build an ethical organization. Utilizing the course readings, resources and weekly discussions, apply your knowledge to the discussion questions below. 

 Discussion questions:  SYNTHESIZE: After reviewing Johnson’s (2019) discussion on the components of ethical culture and cultural change efforts (Chapter 9, pg. 278), how would you summarize what you have read? Do you see benefits to implementation of these elements? Why or why not?  ANALYZE: After viewing Brooke Deterline’s Creating ethical cultures in business (TEDx Talks, 2012), do you see any parallels from her discussion to that of Johnson (2019)? If so, what are they? If not, how are the two perspectives different?  EVALUATE: Do these factors when implemented add value to the ethics of a business or organization? Why or why not? In this assignment, you will:  Write a three (3) to five (5) page paper (APA – double spaced) in which you discuss and analyze: o Your thoughts on creating ethical cultures in business o Include examples and ideas you have learned through your own life experiences applying the course readings o Consider whether these factors or elements, when implemented, add value to the ethics of a business or organization o Follow APA 6 required formatting guidelines 

OLCU 601 Ethics Democracy and Leadership

Driving Systematic Ethical Change – Assignment and Rubric_summer2019_JJ


Driving Systematic Ethical Change – Assignment and Rubric Due Date: Wednesday of Week 8 (midnight) in Assignments folder

Points Possible: 220 Length: 3 to 5 pages

Discussion questions:

 SYNTHESIZE: After reviewing Johnson’s (2019) discussion on the components of ethical culture and cultural change efforts (Chapter 9, pg. 278), how would you summarize what you have read? Do you see benefits to implementation of these elements? Why or why not?

 ANALYZE: After viewing Brooke Deterline’s Creating ethical cultures in business (TEDx Talks, 2012), do you see any parallels from her discussion to that of Johnson (2019)? If so, what are they? If not, how are the two perspectives different?

 EVALUATE: Do these factors when implemented add value to the ethics of a business or organization? Why or why not?

In this assignment, you will:

 Write a three (3) to five (5) page paper (APA – double spaced) in which you discuss and analyze: o Your thoughts on creating ethical cultures in business o Include examples and ideas you have learned through your own life experiences applying the course readings o Consider whether these factors or elements, when implemented, add value to the ethics of a business or organization o Follow APA 6 required formatting guidelines

Ethical drivers, as noted in Johnson, C. E. (2019), chapter 9, are factors that play a particularly significant role in promoting or driving systematic ethical change. Without them, any change effort is likely to fail. These drivers include:

 Ethical diagnosis

 Engaged leadership

 Targeted socialization processes

 Ethics training

 Continuous ethical improvement. This assignment asks you to review and synthesize components of ethical culture and cultural change efforts, as noted in Johnson (2019) chapter 9, needed to build an ethical organization. Utilizing the course readings, resources and weekly discussions, apply your knowledge to the discussion questions below.

OLCU 601 Ethics Democracy and Leadership

Driving Systematic Ethical Change – Assignment and Rubric_summer2019_JJ

Evaluation Criteria

Elements Exemplary Proficient Developing Emerging



Clearly and precisely synthesizes and

discusses components of ethical culture

and cultural change efforts


Fairly synthesizes and discusses

components of ethical culture and cultural

change efforts


Somewhat synthesizes and

discusses components of ethical

culture and cultural change efforts


Limited if any synthesis and

discussion of components of

ethical culture and cultural

change efforts



meeting grading

criteria, was not


Analysis 55

Engages discussion regarding possible/

perceived parallels between perspectives

(how they are similar or different).


Fairly engages discussion regarding

possible/ perceived parallels between

perspectives (how they are similar or



Somewhat engages discussion

regarding possible/ perceived

parallels between perspectives (how

they are similar or different).


Limited if any engagement of

discussion regarding possible/

perceived parallels between

perspectives (how they are

similar or different).



meeting grading

criteria, was not




Clearly and concisely evaluates whether

factors, when implemented, add value to

the ethics of a business or organization.


Fairly evaluates whether factors, when

implemented, add value to the ethics of a

business or organization.


Somewhat clearly evaluates

whether factors, when implemented,

add value to the ethics of a business

or organization.


Unclear or confusing evaluation

of whether factors, when

implemented, add value to the

ethics of a business or




meeting grading

criteria, was not


APA and Sources

24 Uses 4 or more scholarly sources including 3 journal articles. Accurately adheres to APA standards; reference page and citations are correct. All sources listed in References are cited in paper

21 Uses 4 scholarly sources including 3 journal articles. . Adheres to APA standards; reference page and citations are correct with minor (1-3) errors. . All sources listed in References are cited in paper

18 Uses 3 – 4 sources including 2 – 3 journal articles. APA standards are somewhat followed; the work of others is cited but with numerous (4 – 10) errors. Sources listed in References and citations may not match

15 Uses 0 – 4 sources. Limited adherence to APA standards in the paper and Reference page; work of others may be cited but with multiple (11+) errors. Sources listed in References and citations do not match

0 Assignment, meeting grading criteria, was not submitted

OLCU 601 Ethics Democracy and Leadership

Driving Systematic Ethical Change – Assignment and Rubric_summer2019_JJ




Paper is clear, informative, and interesting.

Uses good grammar and spelling, and is

focused. Includes citations and references

as needed/required by APA.


Paper is fairly clear, informative, and

interesting. Uses good grammar and

spelling, with minor errors, and is focused.

Includes citations and references as

needed/required by APA.


Paper is somewhat clear,

informative, and interesting. Uses

good grammar and spelling, with

more than three errors, and is

somewhat focused. Includes

citations and references as

needed/required by APA with more

than three APA errors.


Paper is not very clear,

informative, and interesting.

Uses poor grammar and spelling

with many errors. Excludes

references as needed/required

by APA or insufficient citing.



meeting grading

criteria, was not
