Complete the anatomical language activity (Anatomical Language Sheet.docx 

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The Language of Anatomy

Name ______________________________ Lab Day ____________________

Surface Anatomy

1. Match each of the numbered descriptions with the related term in the key.

Key: a. buccal c. cephalic e. patellar b. calcaneal d. digital f. scapular

________________________ 1. Cheek ________________________ 4. Anterior aspect of knee

________________________ 2. Fingers ________________________ 5. Heel of Foot

________________________ 3. Shoulder Blade Region ________________________ 6. Head

2. Indicate the following body areas on the accompanying diagram by placing the correct letter at the end of each line.


a. abdominal

b. antecubital

c. brachial

d. cervical

e. crural

f. femoral

g. fibular

h. gluteal

i. lumbar

j. occipital

k. oral

l. popliteal

m. pubic

n. sural

o. thoracic

p. umbilical

3. For each term in the key of question 2 above, determine which of the two major body divisions it belongs to. Insert the appropriate key letters on the answer blanks.

______________________________ 1. Appendicular _______________________________ 4. Axial

Body Orientation, Direction, Planes, and Sections

4. Describe completely the standard human anatomical position. _________________________________________________


5. Define “ section”. _____________________________________________________________________________________

6. Several incomplete statements appear below. Correctly complete each statement by choosing the appropriate anatomical term from the key. Record the key letters or terms in correspondingly numbered blanks below. Some terms are used more than once.

Key: a. anterior d. inferior g. posterior j. superior

b. distal e. lateral h. proximal k. transverse

c. frontal f. medial i. sagittal

In the anatomical position, the face and palms are on the __1__ body surface; the buttocks and shoulder blades are on the __2__ body surface; and the top of the head is the most __3__ part of the body. The ears are __4__ and __5__ to the shoulders and __6__ to the nose. The heart is __7__ to the vertebral column (spine) and __8__ to the lungs. The elbow is __9__ to the fingers but __10__ to the shoulder. The abdominopelvic cavity is __11__ to the thoracic cavity and __12__ to the spinal cavity. In humans, the dorsal surface can also be called the __13__ surface. However, in quadruped animals, the dorsal surface is the __14__ surface.

If an incision cuts the heart into right and left parts, the section is a __15__ section; but if the heart is cut so that superior and inferior portions result, the section is a __16__ section. You are told to cut a dissection animal along two planes so that both kidneys are observable in each section. The two sections that can meet this requirement are the __17__ and __18__ sections. A section that demonstrates the continuity between the spinal and cranial cavities is a __19__ section.

1. ________________________ 8. ________________________ 15. ________________________

2. ________________________ 9. ________________________ 16. ________________________

3. ________________________ 10. ________________________ 17. ________________________

4. ________________________ 11. ________________________ 18. ________________________

5. ________________________ 12. ________________________ 19. ________________________

6. ________________________ 13. ________________________

7. ________________________ 14. ________________________

7. Correctly identify each of the body planes by inserting the appropriate term on the answer line below the drawing.

a. ________________________ b. ________________________ c. ________________________

8. Correctly identify each of the 9 regions of the abdominopelvic cavity by inserting the appropriate term for each letter indicated in the drawing.

a. _______________________________

b. _______________________________

c. _______________________________

d. _______________________________

e. _______________________________

f. _______________________________

g. _______________________________

h. _______________________________

i. _______________________________

Body Cavities

9. Which body cavities would have to be opened for the following types of surgery or procedures? (Insert the letter of key choice in the same-numbered blank. More than one choice applies.)

Key: a. abdominopelvic c. dorsal e. thoracic

b. cranial d. spinal f. ventral

__________ 1. Surgery to remove a cancerous lung lobe __________ 4. Appendectomy

__________ 2. Removal of the uterus, or womb __________ 5. Stomach ulcer operation

__________ 3. Removal of a brain tumor __________ 6. Delivery of pre-operative "saddle" anesthesia

10. Name the muscle that subdivides the ventral body cavity. _____________________

11. What are the bony landmarks of the abdominopelvic cavity? ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Which body cavity provides the least protection to its internal structures? _____________________





