week 5

  This week, we are covering the topic of politics (e.g., political philosophy).  Politics is mainly about making policies or rules.  Our society is full of policies such as speed limit laws, tax laws, minimum wage laws and the list goes on. ...

class #6

  The romantic and classical ballets were based on fairy tales with dramatic passages and a love story at their root. Technically ballet reached a new level with the advancement of pointe technique and partnering including the use of pantomime to advance the...

term paper

  The term paper for this class includes the following assignments: Dance History term research paper (60 points total) – Including topic, works cited to date, thesis statement, rough draft as well as the actual term research paper. This particular...

Discuss the major barriers to entry into an industry. Explain how each barrier can foster monopoly. Can any barrier be socially justifiable?  Your initial reply should be no less than 200 words. Then Reply to the two peers below.

Discuss the major barriers to entry into an industry. Explain how each barrier can foster monopoly. Can any barrier be socially justifiable?  Your initial reply should be no less than 200 words. Then Reply to the two peers below. 1. When first entering into...