APA format

175 – 265 words

Cite at least one peer-review reference

Respond to the following:

There are several types of waste generated in the health care industry: infectious, pathological, sharps, chemicals, pharmaceIncludeuticals, genotoxic, radioactive, and non-hazardous or general waste.

Create an infographic that illustrates the type of waste that your sustainability initiative will eliminate.

Include the following in your infographic:

  • Description of the waste
  • Sources for the waste
  • The amount of waste generated per year
  • How it is disposed
  • Solutions for reducing it
  • The financial impact of the waste reduction initiative


Sustainability Initiative Stakeholder Engagement Analysis and Strategy

Christine Ledford

University of Phoenix


Dr. D. Chege

October 9, 2023

Sustainability Initiative Stakeholder Engagement Analysis and Strategy

Part I: Stakeholder Identification Analysis

Employees, managers, and stockholders are a few of the important internal stakeholders that are crucial to the initiative's success based on its goals. These stakeholders are chosen based on their potential to influence or be influenced by the initiative. For instance, the success of the project is directly influenced by the workers, management, and shareholders. Employees are the backbone of the organization and hence they can help drive the initiative forward by providing feedback, ideas, and support (Rodrigues da Costa & Correia Loureiro, 2019). Managers can help ensure that the initiative is aligned with the organization’s goals and can provide resources and support to employees. Shareholders are also important because they have a financial stake in the organization and can influence decisions that impact the initiative’s success.

External stakeholders could include suppliers, customers, regulatory bodies, and NGOs. Suppliers are crucial because they provide the resources and raw materials required for your business to run, and their actions can have a big impact on how sustainable your supply chain is. Customers, on the other hand, are the people who will use your goods or services, and they have the power to affect the standing and success of your company. NGOs and regulatory bodies both play crucial roles. Organizations must abide by the norms and directives established by regulatory agencies to comply with social and environmental laws. NGOs can offer insightful information about the social and environmental effects of your organization's operations and can promote change on behalf of stakeholders.

Strategic alliances between organizations can result in greater impact than any organization could generate on its own. Some partnerships that can be formed to foster collaboration or healthy competition are coalitions, associations, and collective impact collaborations whose main purpose is to accomplish a shared purpose over time. Coalitions are groups of organizations that can be formed around a specific issue or set of issues and can include organizations from different sectors. Collective impact organizations involve a structured process that includes a common agenda, shared measurement systems, mutually reinforcing activities, continuous communication, and backbone support organizations (Parkinso et al., 2022). Other partnerships are joint programming that includes referral relationships; shared services and back-office support; and mergers that legally combine two organizations into one or create legal subsidiaries.

Elected officials, religious leaders, corporate leaders, and social media influencers are just a few examples of community leaders who can use their position of authority and influence to further the organization’s cause. This is because they can rally people behind a common cause. After all, they are well-liked in the neighborhood. For instance, elected officials have the authority to enact laws and policies that may affect the viability of your initiative, and religious leaders may be able to persuade their flocks to support it while also acting as a moral compass for moral decision-making.

Part II: Patient Engagement Strategy

Patient engagement is a crucial component of any healthcare initiative. Some strategies that have been successfully used are patient education, shared decision-making, team-based care, mobile health, and electronic health record tools, continuous care and support, listening, empathizing, and responding to patient queries, and using preferred channels of communication (Miller-Rosales et al., 2022). These are some of the strategies that the organization will use to engage patients, and their friends or family. On patient education, the initiative will provide patients with information about your initiative’s goals, objectives, and expected outcomes. To make sure that students get the significance of the effort, simple language, and visuals will be used in conjunction with this method.

When it comes to shared decision-making, the organization will make sure that patients are included by giving them options and letting them select the best course of action for their health. This tactic will promote team-based treatment or cooperation between patients and healthcare professionals. Ultimately, this will ensure that patients receive comprehensive care that addresses all their needs. By giving patients access to their health records, appointment reminders, and other pertinent information, the organization will rely on technology like as mobile health and electronic health record technologies to include patients in their care (Tai-Seale et al., 2021). By doing this, the effectiveness of the care will be improved, and patients will receive value for their money.

The organization will ensure continuous care and support for patients by regularly following up with them. This strategy will ensure that their concerns are addressed effectively and on time. This strategy will be accompanied by active listening, empathizing, and responding to patient concerns. This will be achieved by creating an environment where patients feel comfortable asking questions and expressing their concerns. Lastly, the organization will use communication channels preferred by your patients to engage with them effectively. This could include phone calls, text messages, emails, or social media platforms.

Part III: Promotional Media Strategy

Promoting a sustainability initiative requires a comprehensive media strategy that can reach the identified stakeholders.

Script for a 30- to 60-second online advertisement

[Scene 1]: A doctor is passing by the patients and their families in the hospital hallway as they wait for their appointment.

Narrator: “Healthcare is not just about treating diseases. It’s about creating a sustainable future for our planet.”

[ Scene 2: The doctor enters one of the patient's rooms and starts talking to the patient and their family.]

Narrator: “Our sustainability initiative aims to reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainable healthcare practices.”

[ Scene 3: The doctor shows the patient and their family how they can contribute to the initiative and hands them a flyer.]

Narrator: “We invite you to join us in this journey towards a healthier planet.”

[ Scene 4: The doctor and the patient’s family are walking through the hospital garden, and from their facial expressions they seem to be enjoying the fresh air.]

Narrator: “Together, we can make a difference.”



[Scene 1]: A doctor is passing by the patients and their families in the hospital hallway as they wait for their appointment.

[Scene 2: The doctor enters a patient’s room and starts talking to the patient and their family.]

[Scene 3: The doctor shows the patient and their family how they can contribute to the initiative.]

[Scene 4: The doctor and the patient’s family are walking through the hospital garden, enjoying the fresh air.]

Social Media Posts


Sharing tips on how the audience can contribute to the sustainability initiative. They may feel more motivated to change things as a result.

Small adjustments can have a significant impact. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. #SustainableHealthcare #HealthyPlanet


Share a statistic or fact about the environmental impact of healthcare practices. This can make the audience more aware of how serious the problem is.

Between two and five percent of the world's emissions of greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and particulate matter come from the healthcare industry.


Share a blog post or article with more details about the sustainable endeavor.


Sustainability initiatives are changes to business practices or programs that aim to decrease the negative impact on the environment and make the world a better place for future generations. It also highlights some benefits of sustainability initiatives, such as improved reputation, consumer loyalty, and policy influence. Read the article above to learn more about sustainability initiatives.


Share a photo or video that highlights the benefits of sustainable healthcare practices.

A diagram of a health care company  Description automatically generated

(Mortimer, 2010)


Miller-Rosales, C., Lewis, V. A., Shortell, S. M., & Rodriguez, H. P. (2022). Adoption of patient engagement strategies by physician practices in the United States.  Medical Care60(9), 691-699.

Mortimer F. (2010). The sustainable physician.  Clinical medicine (London, England)10(2), 110–111. https://doi.org/10.7861/clinmedicine.10-2-110

Parkinson, J., Hannan, T., McDonald, N., Moriarty, S., Nguyen, M., & Ball, L. (2022). Using a Collective Impact framework to evaluate an Australian health alliance for improving health outcomes.  Health Promotion International37(6), daac148.

Rodrigues da Costa, L., & Correia Loureiro, S., M. (2019). The importance of employees’ engagement on the organizational success.  Journal of Promotion Management25(3), 328-336.

Tai-Seale, M., Rosen, R., Ruo, B., Hogarth, M., Longhurst, C. A., Lander, L., … & Millen, M. (2021). Implementation of patient engagement tools in electronic health records to enhance patient-centered communication: protocol for feasibility evaluation and preliminary results.  JMIR Research Protocols10(8), e30431.
