Apply at least one aspect of the VBM to the following discussion prompt:

Vulnerable Consumers and the Affect of Digital Technology

Matthew 25:40, "…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."

One of the areas of ethical concern for marketers is vulnerable consumers. The article in the first link below explains the historical problems of masked advertising which is related to puffery. The second and third links refer to vulnerable consumers. The fourth link addresses the new technology that allows highly targeted digital advertising.

What is the obligation of marketers toward vulnerable consumers?

  • How should marketers respond to this issue?
  • How should Christian marketers respond to this issue?
  • Does today's world of highly personalized and targeted advertising add a new level of complexity to these ethical issues?

Virtuous Business Model

DeVoe School of Business

Indiana Wesleyan University – National & Global

Dr. Mark Brooker

The virtuous leader interacts with the world through the personal, spiritual, and professional domains.

The personal domain values people as created in the image of God.

Therefore, a virtuous leader should be respectful, relational in attitude, and reconciling when differences exist.

The spiritual domain values attitudes and actions that demonstrate character, critical thinking, and courage.

The professional domain values integrity, inclusiveness, and seeks to inspire.

The virtuous organization seeks to improve society by building social capital, spiritual capital, and economic capital.

Social capital is built through service that is both sincere and supportive of stakeholders.

Spiritual capital results from compassionate and creative behavior centered on core values.

Finally, economic capital results from the proficient and principled behaviors used in a profound manner:

Not all opportunities that can be seized should be.

The virtuous leader is profound and knows the difference between the two

Use in the DBA program

How does the model apply to my problem?

2) How does the model apply to me?

3) How do I apply the model to the business world?

4) How do I apply the model to my life activities?

Questions ?


