You will complete one Forum for each Lesson.  Each Forum will be worth 30 points.  You will receive 20 points for your original forum post and 5 points for your two peer posts.  For the original post, I expect two good paragraphs, a good paragraph being 8-12 sentences with unity, coherence, and authentic reflection.  Your two peer posts should be one good paragraph each.  

Assignment Directions:

In this forum, tell us about a recent moral decision that you have made. Then, analyze your thought process, implicit assumptions, and any outside influences that could be behind your decision.  Use Kohlberg's Stage Theory of Moral Development in the text to analyze your thought process.  Sometimes, it seems like we just act out of instinct or conscience, but when we look, we can usually see what we are thinking.  Try to make this thinking process visible. 

For "A" work in your Forum, did you

  • Write two full paragraphs (a full paragraph being at least 8-12 sentences) for your original post.
  • Write one full paragraph for each of your two peer replies.
  • Proofread your writing to make sure it is unified and coherent.
  • Revise your writing to make sure it is free of grammatical errors that detract and distract from your ideas and thoughts.
  • Respond with sincerity and civility.
  • Speak from an authentic and interesting voice.
  • MAL format 200 words.