Attached are instructions for assignment 1, I need help with these multiple choice, true/false and short answer questions. Attaching ppts that I'm using as guides

1- When IoT networks grow to join billions and hundreds of billions of devices, what will be major problem? …

a. Cloud systems will turn into a bottleneck

b. Decentralized systems will turn into a bottleneck

c. Centralized systems will turn into a bottleneck

d. Computational systems will turn into a bottleneck

2- Why is standardization important with the IoT? …

a. To lower the price of products and make them affordable for the public

b. To ensure that products and networks can communicate with each other over the same protocols

c. To ensure all vendors create sustainable and long-lasting products

d. This is a trick question – there are hundreds of standards and that's fine

3- What is the last stage in IoT implementation? …

a. Is getting data for servers

b. Is extracting insights from data for analysis

c. Is obtaining data from cloud

d. Is separating data for users

4- How it works-step by step: (Which one is correct?) …

a. First Step: Sensor Data goes toward the Gateway

b. Second Step: Data from Gateway goes to the Cloud

c. Third Step: From the Cloud this Data can be forwarded to sensor

d. a and b correct

5- How IoT works-step by step: (Which one is correct?) …

a. First Step: Sensor Data goes toward the Actuator

b. Second Step: Data from Gateway goes to the Cloud

c. Third Step: From the Cloud this Data can be forwarded to sensor

d. Fourth step: From User to sensor

6- The Major Communication Layers in IoT Simple schematic are: …

a. Device to Device (D2D) Communication Layer

b. Device to Server (D2S) Communication Layer

c. Server to Server (S2S) Communication Layer

d. All the above

7- What means by IoMT: …

a. Internet of Medical Things

b. Internet of Molecular Things

c. Internet of Material Things

d. Internet of Manufacturing Things

8- IoT Applications Domain in Health involve: (which of the following is Wrong) …

a. Tracking

b. Saving money

c. Data collection

d. Sensing

9- Manufactures are using (IIoT): (which of the following is Wrong) …

a. For supply chain to delivery

b. For competition with other manufactures,

c. For process and product data,

d. For big data analytics and predictive modeling

10- The IIoT is known as: …

a. The 4th Industrial Revolution

b. The 3rd Industrial Revolution

c. The 2nd Industrial Revolution

d. The 1st Industrial Revolution

11- What are the Recommended Projects for students in Agriculture? …

a. Water Management

b. Soil Monitoring Sensors

c. Drones for Field Monitoring

d. All the above

12- What are the Recommended Projects for students in the area Future of IoT? …

a. Safety

b. Analytic

c. Standard and ecosystems

d. All the above

13- Four Significant Applications of IoT in Transportation are: …

a. Car, Avenue, Rails and Mass Transit, Industrial Transportation

b. City, Avenue, Rails and Mass Transit, Industrial Transportation

c. Car, Bank, Rails and Mass Trans it, Industrial Transportation

d. Car, Avenue, University, Industrial Transportation

14- Government Applications in IoT consists of: (which of the following is Wrong) …

a. National Defense

b. Creating Job

c. Smart Retail

d. City Planning and Control

29. Your smartphone is the center of your own network, and your network is part of the IoT.

a) True b) False

30. IT Is NOT IIoT, IT Connected High-cost end points devices! IIoT Connected Industrial Low-cost Assets! (S68 L1)

a) True b) False

31. The Internet of Things is a vision that entails connectivity among different physical and virtual objects to understand how the life would change when things, homes and cities become smart. 

a) True b) False

32. An IoT application is making the devices connected to each other and the internet, it let them collect and communicate data and make precise and informed decisions through Machine Learning and Neural Networks collecting, processing, and delivering billions of petabytes of data every day to users.

a) True b) False

33. IoT Gateway manages the one-way data traffic between different networks and protocols.

a) True b) False

34. Analytics is the process of converting analog data from billions of smart devices and sensors into useful insights which can be interpreted and used for detailed analysis.

a) True b) False

35. A thing, in the context of the Internet of things (IoT), is an entity or virtual object that has a unique identifier, an embedded system and the ability to transfer data over a network.

a) True b) False

Part 2: Answer briefly to the following questions (12.5 points).

Q1. List 5 hardware are used in IoT?

Your Answer:

Q2. List 5 software are used in IoT?

Your Answer:

Q3. What are the 5 benefits of Hardware for IoT Security?

Your Answer:

Q. What are 5 applications of IoT home devices?

Your Answer:

Q. What are the market values of IoT?

Your Answer:


INST560, Internet of Things (IoT)


Lecture 4: Fall 2022

Professor Aliakbar Jalali

[email protected]


Internet of Things Components and Challenges


UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)



IoT Components

Challenges on IoT

Major Technology Challenges in IoT





UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)


 The Internet of Things operates around Internet and a massive network. 

Various components are involved which work together to form an organized system.

In General, there are two major components to the Internet of Things.

An object or a “thing” which you intend to make smart by providing connectivity.

Embedded system which provides this connectivity.

Based on collected data from connected products, autonomous actions are performed by the devices. 

Understanding what is an IoT system, along with its various components, helps understand how the Internet of Things works and what are challenges.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Components of an IoT Systems



+ 5 V


Real Word Data



Device to device

Device to Server

Server to Server

Communication Protocols







Mobile users or WWW

Data Analytic


UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)


Components of an IoT Systems

What are the major components of Internet of Things?

Major components of an IoT systems are:

Things or Devices, Sensing and embedding components, Gateway, Cloud, Analytic, user interface plus Connectivity.


UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT Component: Smart devices and sensors

Devices and sensors are the components of the device connectivity layer.

These smart sensors are continuously collecting data from the environment and transmit the information to the next layer.

Latest techniques in the semiconductor technology can produce micro smart sensors for various applications.

Common sensors are:

Temperature sensors and thermostats

Pressure sensors

Humidity / Moisture level

Light intensity detectors

Moisture sensors

Proximity detection

RFID tags



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT Component: Gateway

IoT Gateway manages the bidirectional data traffic between different networks and protocols.

Another function of gateway is to translate different network protocols and make sure interoperability of the connected devices and sensors.

Gateways can be configured to perform pre-processing of the collected data from thousands of sensors locally before transmitting it to the next stage.

In some scenarios, it would be necessary due to compatibility of TCP/IP protocol.

IoT gateway offers certain level of security for the network and transmitted data with higher order encryption techniques.

It acts as a middle layer between devices and cloud to protect the system from malicious attacks and unauthorized access.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT Component: Cloud

Internet of things creates massive data from devices, applications and users which must be managed in an efficient way.

IoT cloud offers tools to collect, process, manage and store huge amount of data in real time.

Industries and services can easily access these data remotely and make critical decisions when necessary. Basically, IoT cloud is a sophisticated high-performance network of servers optimized to perform high speed data processing of billions of devices, traffic management and deliver accurate analytics.

Distributed database management systems are one of the most important components of IoT cloud.

Cloud system integrates billions of devices, sensors, gateways, protocols, data storage and provides predictive analytics.

Companies use these analytics data for improvement of products and services, preventive measures for certain steps and build their new business model accurately.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT Component: Analytics

Analytics is the process of converting analog data from billions of smart devices and sensors into useful insights which can be interpreted and used for detailed analysis.

Smart analytics solutions are inevitable for IoT system for management and improvement of the entire system.

One of the major advantages of an efficient IoT system is real time smart analytics which helps engineers to find out irregularities in the collected data and act fast to prevent an undesired scenario.  

Service providers can prepare for further steps if the information is collected accurately at the right time.

Big enterprises use the massive data collected from IoT devices and utilize the insights for their future business opportunities.

Careful analysis will help organizations to predict trends in the market and plan ahead for a successful implementation.

Information is very significant in any business model and predictive analysis ensures success in concerned area of business line.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT Component: User Interface

User interfaces are the visible, tangible part of the IoT system which can be accessible by users.

Designers will have to make sure a well-designed user interface for minimum effort for users and encourage more interactions.

Modern technology offers much interactive design to ease complex tasks into simple touch panels controls.

Multicolor touch panels have replaced hard switches in our household appliances and the trend is increasing for almost every smart home devices.

User interface design has higher significance in today’s competitive market, it often determines the user whether to choose a particular device or appliance.

Users will be interested to buy new devices or smart gadgets if it is very user friendly and compatible with common wireless standards.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Components of an IoT Systems

Sensing and embedding components: This essential layer consists of physical, micro appliances, embedded in an IoT device, which are responsible for collecting data or controlling a mechanism.

Actuators: Actuators work opposite to that of sensors. While sensors, sense; actuators act. 

Connectivity: IoT is a network involving devices, sensors, cloud and actuators and all these needs to interconnect with one another to be able to decipher data and consequently perform an action.

IoT cloud: Once the data has been collected and it has traveled to the cloud, it needs to be processed. 

IoT analytics and data management: IoT Analytics is used to make sense of the vast amounts of analog data. 

End-user devices and user interface: This is where a user can control the system and set their preferences. 



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

What is Things on IoT Systems

A thing, in the context of the Internet of things (IoT), is an entity or physical object that has a unique identifier, an embedded system and the ability to transfer data over a network.

Given the ability of wireless technology, and IPv6 addresses the capacity of THINGS in IoT could be developed for almost anything imaginable, examples like chair, fridge, bike, oven, coffee maker watch, etc.. 



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

What is Things on IoT Systems

Physical things can share and collect data with minimal human intervention.

In this hyperconnected world, digital systems can record, monitor, and adjust each interaction between connected things.

The physical Things meets the digital world in IoT, and they cooperate.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Things on IoT Systems

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”, that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Commercial and Industrial IoT Devices

A Sampler of Home Automation IoT Devices

Introduce the following popular IoT devices used in the home and office:

Smart home assistants

Smart thermostats

Smart vents

Smart light bulbs

Smart door locks

Video doorbells

Smoke alarms

Security systems

Irrigation systems

Smart appliances



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Commercial and Industrial IoT Devices

A Sampler of Home and Office Automation IoT Devices



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Commercial and Industrial IoT Devices

While home automation is a current driver of IoT, industrial IoT products will likely have a greater impact on society.

Industrial IoT (IIoT) uses some of the same technologies as other IoT devices but differs in security, ruggedness, networking, and the types of devices involved.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Commercial and Industrial IoT Devices

Industrial IoT (IIoT) uses some of the same technologies as other IoT devices but differs in many aspects, such as security, ruggedness, networking, and the types of devices involved.

IIoT is used in utilities, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, city infrastructure, and a plethora of other industries.

The use of IoT technologies in industry has been dubbed Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 makes use of virtualization, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to create what is called a cyber-physical system (CPS)

Some of the same IoT technologies are used in both home automation and industry

Industrial usage often requires industrial version of sensors because they must hold up under harsh environments, high vibrations, and possibly extreme temperatures



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Commercial and Industrial IoT Devices

Industrial IoT Devices

The use of IoT in industry has been dubbed Industry 4.0.

Explain that it makes use of virtualization, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to create what is called a cyber-physical system (CPS).

Some of the same technologies are used in both industry and home automation, especially environmental sensors such as temperature, humidity, motion, and sound sensors.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Commercial and Industrial IoT Devices

Industrial IoT Devices

Following lists of devices that might be found in industrial applications that aren’t as common as those in home automation:


Electric motor


RFID tags


IoT gateways



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Commercial and Industrial IoT Devices

Types of devices you might find in industrial applications include the following:


An actuator is a general category of output device that provides automatic movement, such as turning a valve to open or close a pipe

Electric motor

An electric motor rotates at a particular speed and direction in response to an electrical signal

Stepper motors rotate in a series of steps, providing precise movement

Servo motors provide either partial rotation or continuous rotation



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Commercial and Industrial IoT Devices

Types of devices you might find in industrial applications include the following:


A solenoid is a tightly wound coil of wire that creates a strong magnetic field when electricity is applied

RFID tags

RFID tags are attached to objects and are used to identify and track the objects


Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are input/output controllers used in assembly lines, robotics, and automated machinery

IoT gateways

IoT gateway devices translate data coming from an IoT network to another type of network



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Major Technology Challenges in IoT





Large Scale

Big Data

Legal and Social Aspects

Demand BarriResponseers

Each device which is connected to IoT ecosystem, increases chance of different challenges.


UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Major Technology Challenges in IoT

Smart Sensors Challenges

Security Challenges

Privacy Challenges

Connectivity Challenges

Compatibility Challenges

Other Challenges

Smart connectivity: Keeping high privacy and security of all connected devices, Treating big data, Reducing the overall data latency among machine-to-machine interactions, Reducing bandwidth and power consumption and Complexity.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Major Technology Challenges in IoT

Smart Sensors Challenges:

One the most important component of major IoT system is smart sensors.

Industries, food processing, smart farming, retail, storage, healthcare and smart city applications are using smart sensors for data collection.

These sensors must be developed to support specific requirements and reliable real-time operation.

IoT sensors may vary from simple temperature sensors to complex sensors which extracts information from its surroundings.

Design, development and successful implementation of wide range of smart sensors are often challenging task.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Major Technology Challenges in IoT

Security Challenges:

Another major challenge of IoT is the security aspect. 

As the IoT system grows, the significance of the security also becomes a big concern.

Simply hacking a household device does not cause much harm compared to shutdown of a power grid which cause power outage to a large geographical area.

Security upgrades are usually implemented by including additional security patches to the OS.

IoT devices and system should support future upgrades / updates as well.

Fatal security failure could happen due insufficient security measures of IoT devices and gadgets when competitors within the industry trying to secure their position in the market.

Since IoT technology has not been standardized, many small scale, medium scale and startups will try their part to become a player in the IoT business without enough security measures.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Major Technology Challenges in IoT

Privacy Challenges:

Personal privacy is a significant factor in any system which collect user information.

IoT devices collect personal information and transmitted via wired or wireless network.

Collected information is stored in a centralized database and used for future needs.

Personal information of the consumer must be protected by avoiding any chances of unauthorized access and hacking. 

Sensitive information regarding a user’s habits, lifestyle, health etc. could be misused if unauthorized access of data is possible.

IoT system should meet privacy requirements of each country’s regulations and make sure user privacy is protected.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Major Technology Challenges in IoT

Connectivity Challenges:

Majority of the IoT devices would be connected to a wireless network for its specific requirement and convenience.

There are many  wireless transmission technologies used IoT system like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LoRa WAN, SigFox, Zigbee etc. … Each of this system has its own advantages and specifications.

Implementation of multiple technology platforms is challenging for developers since information must be shared between devices and application.



UoNA-ST560-SUM-2022, Internet of Things (IoT)

Major Technology Challenges in IoT

Compatibility Challenges:

Like any other emerging technologies, IoT is also growing in different areas to support wide variety of applications.

As it grows faster, competition also increases, and companies try to standardize their technology as industrial standard.

Any extra hardware requirement for compatibility will cause additional investments to the service providers and consumers as well.

IoT devices and networks must be compatible with all conventional transmission technologies.

Compatibility of devices is an important and challenging topic while dealing with wide range of devices, applications, transmission technologies and gateways.

In order to have an efficient IoT infrastructure, technology must be standardized, network protocols, transmission bands, data rate and processing need to be defined