War of the Worlds made a lasting impact on listeners and proved how powerful communication can be.

Part 1: Listen to at least 10 minutes of Orsen Welles' ORIGINAL War of the Worlds broadcast from 1938.  addressing the impact this form of media (radio) had on society at that time and answer the following questions.

Why was this broadcast believable? 

What was the radio's role in society and mass communication during the 1930s?

Feel free to listen to random sections. Pay attention to the way the announcer makes the events seem realistic and comment on what broadcast devices he uses (sound effects, voice inflection, etc). Make some notes about the intensity of the broadcast. 

Orson Welles – War Of The Worlds – Radio Broadcast 1938 – Complete Broadcast. (Links to an external site.)

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Part 2: Research another media hoax. It can be a historical media hoax such as the Great Moon Hoax of 1835 or a more recent hoax. Answer the following questions.

Watch this you tube video


 1. Explain the hoax you  researched. Was the hoax published in a newspaper, magazine, radio, TV, social media, the internet, etc.?

2. Why was this hoax believable?

3. How does this hoax compare to the War of the Worlds?

4. How can you as a media consumer not fall prey to media hoaxes?